One Authentic Life

Discover the power of embracing your emotions, overcoming Challenges and finding your true-self

From Start to Finish: How running 12km race changed my life

15 September 2024, I participated in a race called City Bay Fun Run. It wasn’t a race; it was more like a fundraising event. I saw the advertisement on 5 September and thought maybe I should register myself. So, I did register myself for the race.

  • Around 23000 people participated in the 2024 Fun Run
  • They raised funds for various charities and causes such as child cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Dementia
  • They raised $463,988 from City bay fun Run 2024

The race was 12km from start to finish. 12km doesn’t sound like a crazy number for running, but trust me when you are running in real, it feels more like 25kms. Race started at 8:05am and I finished the race at 9:13am, so I completed the race in 1hour 8 minutes which is a good time for someone who is running 12kms for the first time. My goal was to finish the race and not give up in the middle of the race.

Now, what I am going to write is very important as I am fighting against my mind here. Race began and I started running, for first 35-45seconds I was running at a fast pace, then around 1minute mark, thoughts started coming into my mind, oh my god this is difficult. In addition to that, weather was cold (5Celsius) and wind was blowing in the opposite direction pushing me back creating a resistance, but I kept running. Voice inside my head starts telling me this is hard; I don’t know if I can do this. My heart rate was increasing with heart beating at 150-160BPM, my breathing was getting worse. I started to feel fatigued, but I kept running. I crossed 2km mark around 10mins, instant thought popped in my head you have only ran 2km, you still have 10km (freaking 10kms felt like a big mountain impossible to climb). My speed after this point reduced, but I kept running. I could see everybody running past me making me doubt myself even more. I still remember I was running on the far-left corner of the road feeling weak, like I am a loser. My mind was filled with self-doubt and fear, but I kept running.

It was around 5km into the race, I heard someone next to me saying we have crossed 5kms and I shouted in my head WHAT ONLY 5KMS. I thought I have crossed 8-9km, in that moment It felt like I was running for ages. I realized it is not easy to do anything that is outside your comfort zone. You must push yourself to the limit that you think is not possible. So, I kept running. I crossed 6km mark in 36mins. Still 6km to go.

Everyone was given one as an individual identity number

After I finished 50% of the race, I told myself just keep running do not stop. Two voices are fighting inside my head. One saying this is hard, this is difficult and the other one saying do not stop, just keep running. I chose to listen to the second voice and kept running. I had got the momentum on my side now, running felt little lighter, breathing was getting under control. I would increase my speed for 15-20 seconds and then slow down for the rest of the race, but I didn’t stop.

Approaching the last 1km of the race, I could see the finish line now. I felt a sense of pride in myself, I am about to complete 12km race that I thought was a big mountain impossible to climb. I finished the second half of the race in 32mins. 4minutes quicker than the first half. To be honest, even I don’t know how I did that? I crossed the finishing line and instantly felt something different inside me and I still remember my eyes were teary. I was proud of myself that I have completed the race ranking at 4710. 25000 people participated in the race. So, finishing at 4710 was a great feeling for me considering  I was running 12km for the first time.

After this race, I have run 12km 4times after the race including one on my birthday as I promised myself and running longer distances like 10km has become easier for me. Now, I have that belief and faith in my physical self that I can run 12km non-stop. I have learned how to control my breathing during my running. My best 12km run time as of now is 63mins 16seconds.

Lesson learned from this incident is No matter how hard life gets, “JUST KEEP RUNNING”. Do not stop. Just keep going. I learned this lesson from running, it can be anything in your life such as professional career, weight gain or weight loss journey, trying to get out of depressed phase, etc. My running Lesson can be applied to life in a  simple way. I know it is easier said than done, but it is completely possible.


Pain, hardship and struggle can change a person profoundly.

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